Narinder Singh Nayagaon, district president of Panchkula unit of BKU (Charuni), said that after the meeting we have decided to extend support to Congress candidate Varun Chaudhary for the Ambala constituency
Members of Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU, Charuni) have announced support for Congress in the Ambala parliamentary constituency.
Narinder Singh Nayagaon, district president of Panchkula unit of BKU (Charuni), said that after the meeting we have decided to extend support to Congress candidate Varun Chaudhary for the Ambala constituency.
Narinder said the decision was taken in a meeting of the president of districts units of Panchkula, Ambala and Yamunanagar with their members on Wednesday.
“Varun has supported farmer agitation from the very beginning so we have decided to extend support to him,” said Narinder. He, however, clarified, “This support is only for Ambala parliamentary constituency.”
He added, “As per the decision, our party Sanyukt Sangharsh Party will be contesting on seats in the Vidhan Sabha elections.”
Sanyukt Sangharsh Party is the political outfit launched by Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader Gurnam Singh Charuni.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh/ Haryana: BKU (Charuni) extends support to Cong for Ambala Lok Sabha seat