HP chief minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, who met Union minister for environment, forest and climate change Bhupender Yadav in New Delhi on Monday, urged him to ensure early forest approvals in a time-bound manner for the construction of heliports and green corridors
Himachal Pradesh government has asked the Centre for time-bound forest clearance for development projects underway in the state.
Chief minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, who met Union minister for environment, forest and climate change Bhupender Yadav in New Delhi on Monday, urged him to ensure early forest approvals in a time-bound manner for the construction of heliports and green corridors as mandated by the state government for making Himachal a ‘Green Energy State’ by 2025.
The tough geological conditions of Himachal Pradesh have necessitated the construction of heliports not only to facilitate tourists visiting the state, but also to cater to emergency needs during natural calamities or otherwise, he said. “A decision should be made without delay regarding the necessary forest clearances pending for the construction of the heliports,” Sukhu told the Union minister.
The state government is also promoting e-vehicles in Himachal and has been developing necessary infrastructure for the same by constructing an adequate number of e-charging stations.
Green corridors would also be constructed on both sides of all national and state highways in the state, he said. In order to speed up the process, various approvals regarding forest land should be accorded in time to achieve the target, the chief minister said.
Sukhu also batted for HP forest officers to work in unison with the central-level officers and asked to take up the cases pending with the ministry so that approvals can be received in time.
Detailed discussions were also held regarding the state’s water reservoirs, wildlife sanctuaries and ecotourism guidelines besides other key topics, including Parivesh portal, National Transit Pass System, School Nursery Yojana, and city forest scheme.
The chief minister invited Union minister Yadav to visit Himachal.