New rules proposed: Pet owners in UP will have to submit undertaking
In days to come, registration of stray dogs will be done without any fee. Individuals and resident groups looking to adopt five or more stray dogs will be treated at par with shelter homes
LUCKNOW Pet owners will now have to submit an undertaking to the local bodies that they will ensure their pet will not cause any nuisance in public, according to the new set of rules proposed by the urban development department.

The decision came in wake of several cases of attacks by dogs on the common man across UP over the past few months. The department drafted a new set of dos and don’ts for pet owners and issues related to registration of dogs, said officials.
Rules were also laid down for breeders, resident welfare associations and individuals who adopt stray dogs in large numbers. These were circulated among municipal commissioners and executive heads of urban local bodies on Monday.
Principal secretary (urban development) Amrit Abhijat took special interest in drafting rules that will have to be followed by breeders, sellers, shelter operators and individuals, said officials.
Additional municipal commissioner (animal welfare) Dr Arvind Rao said, “The idea is to make dog owners accountable for the actions of their pets. Stray dog lovers will also have to be equally cautious. They will also be held accountable, if they are feeding ferocious dogs.”
In days to come, registration of stray dogs will be done without any fee, along with sterilisation and first vaccination. Individuals and resident groups looking to adopt five or more stray dogs will be treated at par with shelter homes and will have to adhere to the guidelines framed by the Animal Welfare Board of India.
Civic bodies will also have to provide a chip/token to the dog owner, which will bear the registration number of the pet, along with details such as owner’s name, address and contact number.