Chief minister Bhupesh Baghel said the bill is aimed at preventing violence against media persons and ensuring the protection of the properties of journalists and media institutions
The state assembly has passed the Chhattisgarh Protection of Media Persons Act covering journalists, freelancers, and photographers with at least a year of experience. The bill proposes to set up a committee within 90 days of its notification to look into complaints of harassment of journalists.
The ruling Congress promised the legislation before it was voted to power over four years back.
A committee submitted its draft of the bill in 2020 before it was tabled in the assembly on Wednesday. The bill says any public servant who wilfully neglects duties in implementing the legislation shall be fined.
It provides for a penalty of ₹25,000 against a private person responsible for violence, harassment, or intimidation of a media person.
Chief minister Bhupesh Baghel said the bill is aimed at preventing violence against media persons and ensuring the protection of the properties of journalists and media institutions. He added the bill was drafted after consultations.
The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party demanded that the bill be sent to a select committee for further scrutiny.
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News/Cities/Others/ Chhattisgarh assembly passes bill for protection of journalists