The AM/PM workout: Which one works for you?
Early bird or night owl - both have their own fitness benefits.

Exercise on the whole has no replacement. From undertaking at least 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise to clocking 10K steps per day, the number crunching comes its own health benefits. For some a few laps in the pool also do the trick while gym is the grab for others. But a lot has also been touted around the best time to do a workout, with studies showing that the morning hour is when you can rake the up the maximum benefits. We share the values for exercising pre-dawn and post sunset; go with a time that suits you best, depending on your work, chores and other demands...
Morning hour
As you into the fresh air and breathe in oxygen, it opens the lungs and boosts circulation.
Your metabolism gets revved up in the morning, making for a better day ahead.
The early hour sees fewer distractions, so you can focus on your run or walk without dodging too many people.
Since it's early and cooler, you beat the heat.
A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (2019) showed how exercising early improves focus and and aids strategy making.
When you begin your day on an energised note, you carry that through the day, enabling yourself to complete more tasks.
Exercise at night
An exercise like walking releases endorphins, allowing you to unwind and lose the stress of the day.
Some fitness experts share how exercising after work hours helps those with sedentary jobs lose muscle stiffness and strain.
It's said that the evening workout may also be apt as you have gotten warmed up enough through the day and perform better in your exercise routine.
Since the day is already done, you will be a better mood and not worried about rushing to the office, drop the kids off etc.