Drinking tea, eating sandwich; are you making these top breakfast mistakes?
Eating a balanced breakfast is the key to optimal wellness. Here are foods you should never eat in your first
Eating a balanced breakfast is the key to optimal wellness. Here are foods you should never eat in your first meal as per Nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary.
Published on Jun 07, 2024 03:28 PM IST 6 Photos
Starchy foods like bread can cause blood sugar spikes, while drinking tea on empty stomach can lead to bloating and indigestion. Here are foods that you must not have in breakfast as per Nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary. (Freepik)
1. Chai: When it comes to chai, the milk with lactose and casein in it is the problem. Many people can’t properly digest lactose, and this undigested lactose reaches the colon; it gets fermented by bacteria, causing gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. Casein in milk can sometimes cause an immune response in the gut. This can lead to inflammation and damage the gut lining, making it easier for harmful substances to enter the bloodstream and worsen gut health. (Instagram/@kirti7s)
2. Fruit juices: They should ‘never’ be a part of your breakfast, especially on an empty stomach. The concentrated sugar in juice can cause a blood sugar spike followed by a crash, leaving you tired and hungry sooner. (Pixabay)
3. Bread: The main reason we shouldn’t be reaching for bread first thing in the morning is because of its starchy nature. When our stomachs are empty, starchy food such as bread can cause a significant glucose spike and majorly affect our body’s process of digesting not only the bread itself but our meal afterwards. (Unsplash/@Pixzolo)