Is your marriage in trouble? Couples Coach shares 5 alarming signs

From stonewalling to seeing the partner as the problem, here are a few signs that your marriage is in trouble.

Published on Jun 30, 2024 05:05 PM IST 6 Photos

Marriages do not break overnight. The cracks happen over a long period of time, especially when the issues go unaddressed. Conflicts are natural in any relationship, but learning to effectively address the issues and finding a common ground to agree, are the keys to a happy and healthy relationship. Couples Coach Julia Woods shared a few signs that your marriage may be in trouble.


Have you stopped resolving conflicts? Do you push every disagreement and fight under the rug and never address it? This can be a sign of frustration in the marriage.(Unsplash)


When we hold onto bitterness and resentment against our partner for a long time, it can lead to internal ache – this is when we may turn to addictions.(Unsplash)


Have you started seeing your spouse as the problem? This is an alarming sign that you are not ready to see beyond them and address the underlying issue.(Pexels)


Even little things can turn into fights. This can make us feel that we are walking on eggshells around them.(Unsplash)