Yoga in pregnancy: Check out these 5 Yoga asanas for pregnant women

The yogic techniques include practices of asanas, pranayama and meditation exercises that can reduce anxiety and help women stay fit

Updated on Jan 02, 2023 06:27 PM IST 9 Photos

Yoga is an age-old, traditional practise that addresses all facets of wellbeing including mental, emotional and spiritual wellness and Yoga or more especially prenatal yoga as it is known, can be used to prepare for childbirth because it is a holistic science. Yoga during pregnancy is not only believed to be safe but also to be a diverse form of exercise. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar told Zarafshan Shiraz, “Women go through a lot of physical discomfort during pregnancy and Yoga encourages flexibility, mental clarity and concentrated breathing to counter this. Prenatal Yoga is healthy for pregnant women and their unborn children, according to numerous studies and researches.”  (Yan Krukau)


He added, “The yogic techniques include practices of asanas, pranayama and meditation exercises. Done individually or as a combination, they can reduce anxiety and help women stay calm in pregnancy and in labour. Suitable for all body types, yoga can be a gentle form of exercise to stay fit during pregnancy, and connect with your body and your baby.” (Pavel Danilyuk)


Talking about the benefits of Yoga, he said, “Practices of asanas, pranayama, and meditation exercises are all part of yogic methods. They can ease anxiety and support women in maintaining their composure during pregnancy and labour, whether used separately or in combination. Yoga can be a moderate kind of exercise to keep in shape throughout pregnancy and connect with your body and your unborn child. It is suitable for all body types. All of the postures in yoga involve breathing. These pregnancy positions are easy to perform but nonetheless powerful. Sukhasana, Vajrasana, Baddhakonasana and other asanas can be restorative and alleviate any aches and pains you may be feeling.” He suggeste dthe following 5 Yoga asanas for pregnant women: (Gustavo Fring )


1. Vrikshasana - Start by assuming Samasthithi. Place your right foot on your lifted inner thigh and begin by elevating your right leg off the floor as you balance your whole weight on your left leg. Put it as near to your pelvis as you can. To get your foot into position, you can support it with your palms. At your heart chakra, align and unite your palms in the Pranam Mudra. Keep looking forward. With the other leg, repeat the previous step. (Pexels)


2. Baddha Konasana - Start off in Dandasana. Bring the soles of your feet together while bending your legs. Bring your heels up toward your pelvis. Gently lower your knees. Empty your stomach of air, then maintain the position for 15 to 20 seconds. 3 or more times. (Instagram/indirajoga)