Power bill in Chandigarh set to rise by 40%
The enhanced FPPCA charges will be reflected in the bills of the consumers for the February 1-March 31 period.
With the UT electricity department imposing steep fuel and power purchase cost adjustment (FPPCA) charges on the existing tariff from 87 paise to a maximum of Rs 3.89 paise per unit under different slabs and categories, the power bills of the residents have been doubled for both commercial and residential consumers. With this, bill amount is set to go up by 30% to 40%.

Under different slabs, fuel and power purchase cost agreement varies from 87 paise to Rs 3.89 per unit.
The UT electricity department generates bills for domestic customers bi-monthly. The enhanced FPPCA charges will be reflected in the bills of the consumers for the February 1-March 31 period. Domestic consumers are divided into four groups of 50,000 each and pay bills in six cycles a year.
FPPCA is the difference of per unit actual cost of power purchased and per unit approved cost of power purchase.
Speaking to HT, UT superintending engineer, MP Singh, said, “These charges are imposed every quarter due to high cost of power purchase. We calculate it every quarter and sometimes, we refund also.”
What is the increase?
In the domestic category, consumers have to pay an additional 87 paise per unit in the slab of 0-150 units, while in the slab of 151-400 units, consumers will have to pay Rs 1.63 more. In the slab above 400, the department has fixed FPPCA at Rs 1.72 per unit to the consumers.
In the commercial category, the consumers will have to pay Rs 1.67, Rs 1.79 and Rs 3.89 per unit for using 0-150 units, 151-400 and above 400 units, respectively.