
bone loss news


Latest from bone loss

Fight off bone diseases with just 4 prunes a day; study suggests

The study recommends having a serving of 4 to 6 prunes on a daily basis for better bone density, bone strength, and bone structure.

Prunes can decrease the risk of bone fractures and help slow down bone loss. (Unsplash)
Published on Sep 05, 2024 06:00 PM IST
ByTapatrisha Das, Delhi

Stress fractures in sport: when stressed bones fight back

Anyone who does a lot of sport risks a stress fracture if the bones are overloaded. Sports physician Karsten Hollander gives tips on how to prevent it.

Stress fractures can affect any athlete, but happen more often to those who play running sports(Silvia Marks/dpa/picture alliance)
Published on Mar 29, 2024 07:11 PM IST
By | Posted by Parmita Uniyal

Lifestyle tips for youth's bone health: Avoid these habits to prevent arthritis

Young patients are increasingly complaining of back pain and medical diagnosis reveal it may be osteoarthritis. Experts share tips to boost your bone health

Lifestyle tips for youth's bone health: Avoid these modern living habits to prevent Osteoarthritis in young adults (Photo by Pixabay)
Published on Jan 23, 2024 01:02 PM IST
ByZarafshan Shiraz, New Delhi

Paget's Awareness Day 2024: Date, history and significance

Paget's Awareness Day 2024: From significance to ways of celebrating, here is all that you need to know about this special day.

Paget's Awareness Day 2024: Date, history and significance(Unsplash)
Published on Jan 09, 2024 01:28 PM IST
By, Delhi

How to know if you have weak bones? Signs and symptoms of two bone conditions

Your bones may lose density and become fragile as you age. Here are two conditions that can weaken your bones apart from osteoporosis. Know signs and symptoms.

Your bone health may deteriorate even without osteoporosis. In fact, your bones may weaken even without symptoms, and this is not detected until you go for a bone mineral density test (BMD).(Twitter/Orthocore256)
Published on Nov 28, 2023 12:17 PM IST
By, New Delhi

World Arthritis Day: 9 lifestyle changes for boosting bone and joint health

Do not take your bones for granted and make these 9 crucial lifestyle changes for avoiding arthritis and maintaining mobility as you age.

Arthritis can cause inflammation in joints and lead to pain, swelling, stiffness and even deformity. There are over 100 types of arthritis that can affect people from rheumatoid arthritis to osteoarthritis.(Freepik)
Published on Oct 12, 2023 03:13 PM IST
By, New Delhi

Blocking abnormal stem cell signal during aging lessens related bone loss: Study

The study finds that the cell signal that is crucial to skeleton development, weakens bones during aging.

Blocking abnormal stem cell signal during aging lessens related bone loss: Study(Yahoo)
Published on Sep 28, 2023 12:12 PM IST
ANI | | Posted by Tapatrisha Das, New York

Worrying signs and symptoms of brittle bones in women

As women approach middle age, they must not ignore these tell-tale signs of weak bones to prevent immobility and fractures later in life.

Being physically active and involving oneself in activities like running, cycling and walking can also help deterioration of bone health as one grows old.(Freepik)
Published on Mar 28, 2023 11:33 AM IST
By, New Delhi

National Osteoporosis Month: Tips to prevent bone loss during menopause

The drop in estrogen levels at the time of menopause can lead to osteoporosis. Here are tips to prevent bone loss.

There is a direct relationship between low estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause and osteoporosis.(Pexels)
Published on Jun 11, 2022 06:32 PM IST

Study examines how chronic liver injury causes bone loss

Hepatic osteodystrophy disease (HOD) is a kind of metabolic bone disease that occured in patients with chronic liver disorder. It mainly manifested as bone loss, bone density reduction, and destruction of bone structure.

Study examines how chronic liver injury causes bone loss(Twitter/This_Life_Mag)
Published on Mar 06, 2022 02:13 PM IST
ANI | , Beijing

Eating prunes may help protect older women against weak or brittle bones: Study

The study finds that prunes can help prevent or delay loss in postmenopausal women, possibly due to their ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which contribute to bone loss.

Eating prunes may help protect older women against weak or brittle bones: Study(Pixabay)
Published on Feb 28, 2022 02:06 PM IST
ANI | | Posted by Krishna Priya Pallavi, Pennsylvania

Bone density loss from Anastrozole partially reverses after treatment stops

A study by researchers from Queen Mary University of London shows that bone loss known to be associated with the use of the breast cancer prevention drug Anastrozole partially reverses, particularly at the lumbar spine, after stopping treatment.

Bone loss is known to be associated with the use of the breast cancer prevention drug Anastrozole partially reverses, particularly at the lumbar spine, after stopping treatment.(ANI)
Published on Jan 22, 2021 11:34 AM IST

Is your lifestyle affecting your bone health?

Osteoporosis is most likely to affect older people, especially women who have already been through menopause. Recent surveys show that women are as much as four times more prone to experience bone loss than men.

Osteoporosis which means porous bone, is a disease in which the density and quality of the bones deteriorate.(Unsplash)
Updated on Jan 15, 2020 03:22 PM IST
Indo Asian News Service | By, New Delhi

3 weight loss hacks for women

These basic rules of nutrition can make all the difference

Due to the many hormonal changes that take place over time, weight loss is always a concern for women(Shutterstock)
Updated on Feb 16, 2019 11:48 PM IST
Hindustan Times | ByShikha Sharma

How cataract surgery can reduce risk of bone loss and fracture

If you are suffering from cataracts, you may need to seek treatment to prevent deteriorating bone health and reduce fracture risk, says a new study.

The diagnosis of cataracts was associated with a 29% increased risk of developing osteoporosis or fracture.(Shutterstock)
Updated on Oct 04, 2018 10:19 AM IST
Indo Asian News Service | By

Here are 5 foods that help to boost your bone health

From prunes, nuts to salmon and broccoli, here’s a list of food that according to experts, are crucial for good bone health.

Age pares us to the very bones. Oh, yes, and as the production of hormones in the body — testosterone in men and estrogen in women — drops, our bones get thinner and brittle, and more prone to fractures, a condition known as osteoporosis.(Istock)
Updated on Sep 17, 2018 11:36 AM IST
Hindustan Times | By, New Delhi

A healthy diet means you stay fit during menopause, beat osteoporosis

Menopause diet: What you eat before, during and after menopause can determine your level of fitness, success in weight loss efforts and ability to cope with symptoms.

Eat more vegetables to cope with the symptoms of menopause.(Shutterstock)
Updated on Jul 21, 2018 10:16 AM IST
Hindustan Times | By

Mediterranean diet is good for osteoporosis patients, can reduce bone loss

A Mediterranean diet could be the best cure for bone loss in people with osteoporosis, says this new study. Previous studies, too, found that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, unrefined cereals, olive oil, and fish, can boost heart health, brain function and reduce risk of dementia.

A Mediterranean diet can protect you from osteoporosis, heart problems, dementia, and brain function.(Shutterstock)
Updated on Jul 11, 2018 01:47 PM IST
Hindustan Times | By

Arthroscopy, the magic cure athletes with shoulder instability are looking for

Arthroscopic shoulder stabilisation may offer the best outcome when it is performed after the first dislocation.

When the high-risk young athlete with fewer episodes of pre-operative instability is treated with an arthroscopic stabilisation, the revision surgery rate is low.(Shutterstock)
Updated on Jul 09, 2018 11:29 AM IST
Asian News International | ByAsian News International, Washington D.c.
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