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creativity photos


How to learn crochet art in 5 easy steps

Based on several types of knots, crochet art is a beautiful art form that can be extremely therapeutic. When life starts to get stressful, crochet art can give us the necessary window of creativity that we need. Here's a few ways to learn it.
Updated on Feb 25, 2023 01:26 PM IST

5 tips to embrace your creative side

Often when life starts to get stressful, we must try to embrace the child in us through arts. Because when everything starts to burden us, we can rely on art and the beauty of it. Here are a few ways to embrace the creative side in you.
Published on Feb 25, 2023 01:01 PM IST

How to foster creativity in children

Praise their efforts, not just their achievements: Children need positive reinforcement to build their confidence and self-esteem. Praise their efforts and encourage them to continue to explore new ideas and take risks.
Updated on Jan 23, 2023 10:07 AM IST
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