]Latest from zambia
From Zambia, with love and friendship
This article is authored by Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Gateway House, former ambassador, columnist and author.

Southern Africa to expand special tourist visa for easy travel across 5 nations
Southern Africa moves to simplify tourist travel with expanded univisa initiative

Published on Jun 01, 2024 05:19 PM IST
Reuters | | Posted by Zarafshan Shiraz, Livingstone, Zambia
Deadly cholera outbreak hits southern Africa: What you need to know
Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi are at the epicenter of a deadly cholera outbreak in southern Africa.

American woman dies after elephant attacks safari vehicle in Africa
A frightening video has captured the moment a massive elephant charged at a safari vehicle in Zambia

Zambia and Creditors to Restart Bond Restructuring Negotiations
Foreign investors are set to restart talks with Zambia officials on a deal to restructure $3 billion of global bonds, marking a potential turning point in the African nation’s years-long effort to lift itself out of default, according to people familiar with the matter.