What the stars have in store for us: Astrologers tell all
There are various interpretations and astrologers are burning both ends of the candle to tell us where we erred or if we actually did or whether things were simply beyond our control.
Everything seems to be going wrong with the Modi led government be it the farmers strike, the poll debacle in the West Bengal or the government’s handling rather mishandling of the second surge of Covid-19 which hit India like a tsunami: a word the courts have also used in this context.

So what went wrong? What did the stars foretell which we failed to read? What were the celestial signs that we ignored?
There are various interpretations and astrologers are burning both ends of the candle to tell us where we erred or if we actually did or whether things were simply beyond our control.
If Uttar Pradesh-based astrologer Anil Misra is to be believed the current situation -- the BJP and the government’s downslide this year -- is because Narendra Modi took his oath as Prime Minister at an inauspicious time.

Rewind to May 30, 2019, when adverse planets were at play: “The ruling planet and ascendant Lord i.e. Mars was in the eighth house and was weak. It was also placed in the house of the enemy. Mars was also adversely affected by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Hence the configuration was anything but auspicious. The result: despite best efforts to take the country forward, despite raising its bar on the international platform and despite taking steps to enhance the country’s prestige, things have gone haywire”.
So why was last year better for Prime Minister, the government and the country? And why is this year bad?
For this, Misra’s calculations are: “Last year Prime Minister Modi’s transit planets were very strong and they minimised the adverse effects of the inauspicious planets that had configured in 2019. Therefore though there was the aftermath of corona last year but Prime Minister Modi’s strong planets were able to combat the adversity. But this year his transit planets are not supporting him particularly Jupiter, which has become weak since April 6. This has given arise to the present difficulties”.
As for the rising cases of coronavirus in India, Misra says: “From May 20th the graph will start receding and will continue improving”.
Misra also warns of a third phase, which he forecasts sometimes around November this year but that, he says, will not be as lethal as the second surge. This is because of two reasons: first the planets of the country would be strong and second, Modi’s planets which are malefic now will also improve and these together will combat the ill effects.
The good news however comes from astrologer Mahesh Bang who is based in South Africa. However, his phone does not stop ringing from clients in India because he is among those who, along with New Delhi-based astrologer Ajai Bhambi, had said that coronavirus is here to stay through 2021 with a spillover for a few more months. This was when majority of the astrologers had said that India will see the end of the virus by July or latest September 2020.

Bhambi and Bang were the only ones who had rubbished these claims. In fact, Bhambi had in June 2020 gone as far as to say that even while one is itching to say goodbye to 2020 and bring in the New Year with hope and optimism, 2021 will have its adverse effect. Short of mentioning the word “second surge” Bhambi had predicted that the worst is yet to come. Ditto, Bang who had also said “brace yourself till the end of 2021”. This was when people were counting days for the “dreaded year” of 2020 to end.
Ajai Bhambi says the world is going haywire because of planet Jupiter: “Jupiter is not following the cosmic order for the last four years. It is in a fast forward mode. Jupiter represents health, wealth, peace of mind and normalcy in the life and hence in one sense affects individuals, countries and the world as a whole: exactly what is happening currently. When Jupiter is in fast forward mode it become malefic as it is now and whatever areas it represents are affected badly”.
Yet all is not lost. If Jupiter, in a Fast forward mode, takes away something, it also brings in something like a giver: “This devastation caused by the fast moving Jupiter has resulted in some benefits. There are new medicines, the old order has changed and not only have we as human beings learnt to adapt ourselves to all this but we have also learnt to value brotherhood, family and camaraderie. So even while battling against the odds, we have created a new world order”, Bhambi says.
Talking about the unfavourable placement of Jupiter, Bhambi says it became debilitated in March 2020 and conjoined with malefic Saturn in Capricorn: “Since then the Corona bomb exploded throughout the world. In 2019 when Corona first took shape, there were six planets in one house and also the solar eclipse played an adverse role”.
Bhambi sees similar combinations taking shape between September and November 2021: “If people do not take precautions, Corona will have a damaging effect yet again, because during this period once again Jupiter will become debilitated and conjoin with Saturn once again”.
So what will this lead to? Will devastation happen yet again? Will it be as bad as the second surge in India? Or will it be mild?
Bhambi explains: “This combination is in its last phase and in that sense in an exit mode. Hence its strength is depleted. Therefore its ability to cause damage is not as high as it was. So to put it simply while the adverse effects will be there these will be considerably and comparatively low during this period”.
Bhambi, however, has a word of caution: “Malefic is malefic so it can not be taken for granted. But yes if positive efforts on the part of human beings are there then the problem can be overcome. But throw caution to the winds like India did before the second surge and you are in trouble…great trouble”.
The sum total: You can neither blame nor leave everything to the planets: “Your own karma, actions will surely have a bearing on events. So human beings and planets must work in unison”, says Bhambi.
Even while the optimists say that the curve of coronavirus will begin to recede later this week, Bhambi says this is unlikely before June 15 this year: “From June 15 the intensity will reduce and this feel good phase will continue till September by which time these cases could be almost zero”, he says.
Ask Bhambi if coronavirus will finally disappear from the face of this Earth and he replies in the negative, unlike many astrologers who have predicted its complete and sudden disappearance next year: “There is” says Bhambi one formula, or sutra, in astrology that whichever bacteria or virus takes birth it continues to live on this planet. It does not die. That is why malaria, cholera, swine flu, dengue and other viruses have continued to live. They have not gone anywhere. Yet two things have happened: one, they have become muted and two the people in general have learnt to adapt to them and live with these viruses. This is what will happen in the case of Corona. It will continue but in a mutated form and people will adapt to it like they have with swine flu etc. Importantly the fear will go away as also the intensity of the virus. It will cease to be the killer virus as it is now”.
There will be “happy tidings” says Bhambi but not till March next year: “March 2022, onwards Jupiter’s movement will become normal and things will begin to settle in”. However the world economies will start improving only by the end of next year.
Bang's predictions somewhat coincide with Bhambi’s. According to Bang, between February 9 and February 11 this year six planets were placed in the sign of Capricorn: “According to India’s horoscope, these planets were present in the 9th house of the chart indicating a tough period. This is quite different from the rest of the world where, astrologically, the worst was until April 4,2021. The rest of the world has started to recover but not India where the adverse effects are continuing with unabated might”.
But all is not lost. Bang does predict “good news”. This adversity, he says, is a temporary phase and India will recover very fast: “The current chaos in India will continue till mid-June this year, with an overlap of a month for things to stabilise again. The fast recovery will be thanks to Rahu which is transiting through Taurus, which is a powerful house for India. In Vedic astrology, Rahu gives sudden shocks and quick recovery too: hence the second surge that happened in March and the expected recovery that will happen in June”, predicts Bang.
“Another contributing astrological factor” continues Bang, “that has led to the current situation based on India’s horoscope is the transit of Saturn in the sign of Capricorn. It takes approximately 30 years for Saturn to transit in this sign. Once that happens, this leads to chaos and crisis , fear and anxiety and more importantly unexpected and a marked increase in the number of deaths, which is exactly what India is currently facing. Rewind to 1962-63 when Indo-China war took place and 1992-93 when the Babri masjid was demolished and India was under similar stress and chaos. During the war hundreds died; the riots that followed the Babri masjid demolition saw gruesome killings and a large number of deaths. Even at that time the configuration of plants was similar with Saturn playing havoc because of its placement in Capricorn. However the stress and impact is much more this time because the astro- configuration is far more aggressive”.
Even while Bang predicts “good news” he does it with caution: “Saturn will remain in Capricorn until April 2022. It is not going anywhere. Therefore we cannot let our guard down”.
Worse still he says: “A third wave is not ruled out. The astrological third wave of this pandemic should occur globally between September 14 to November 20 this year. In India it could be delayed by a month and could occur towards the end of October this year. It will be a tough period both for the world and India too”.
In the interim period that is between June and October 2021, things would begin to look up: Come July through September this year, things will somewhat return to normal, even though the positive effects will start surfacing in mid-June”, says Bang.
As for the road ahead, Bang said "From what I can see, things will be better in all aspects for the entire Globe and we will overcome this Pandemic only after 21 November 2021. There will be a gradual improvement, when the planet Jupiter will transit over Aquarius sign.”
The period between May and July next year will be one of “global healing” predicts Bang: “On April 29,2021 , Saturn will move into Aquarius with Jupiter already placed in Pisces sign. Both these planets in these placements are considered very favourable for mankind in general, particularly India. This will usher in well-being and health. That is also the period when the best vaccine will be available for the world to benefit from. However, the effects of Covid-19 will be completely dormant by the year 2023: “The virus may remain but its power and form will change. It will cease to be lethal and remain as dormant as swine flu, chikungunya and dengue, says Bang.
Delhi based astrologer Suresh Koshal says that the “devastating period” started the world over when Saturn entered Capricorn on January 23, 2020 where it will remain till January 17, 2023. The adverse effects on different countries will be during different time periods depending on their respective national horoscopes as also their geographical placements in different continents: “In astrology, Cancer rules lungs and chest cavity, therefore Covid-19 has it in its worst form. In India's horoscope, Moon is extremely weak and the country is also passing through the worst period of Saturn from December 11,2019 till July 7, 2021. This is responsible for the outbreak of Covid-19 and also the period when India is worst hit by it”.

The worst, says Koshal, is perhaps over because after May 4, 2021, things will begin to improve: “On May 1, this year, Mercury entered Taurus which is favourable for India and the world. Cases have already begun to decline and deaths too will lessen by May 26th”. However he warns caution till June 13, this year.
According to Koshal the following dates are critical: between May 14 and May 16; May 26 and May 28; June 1 to June 3 and June 9 to June 12: “Things could get bad then” he says indicating that cases would begin to rise yet again.
Unlike some others who don’t see the end of the pandemic anytime soon, Koshal predicts a “curtains down” on Covid-19 in India by July 11, 2021 when the adverse effect of Saturn ends: “However, there may be few cases surfacing in October this year”.
However, India will enter a “phase of economic revival” between July 2021 and December 2022 concludes Koshal.
So fingers crossed and a wait and watch through this year and part of the next.

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