Sangrur MP Bhagwant Mann and his wife Inderjeet Kaur filed for divorce in a local court here on Friday. The court has given them six months to take a final call on the matter. The case will come up for the next hearing on October 1.
Sangrur MP Bhagwant Mann and his wife Inderjeet Kaur filed for divorce in a local court here on Friday. The court has given them six months to take a final call on the matter. The case will come up for the next hearing on October 1.
Inderjeet stays in California (US), while Mann is based in Sangrur. They have a 10-year-old son and a 14-year-old daughter, who are staying with Inderjeet in the US.
The couple came together in a car to the court and signed the divorce papers with the same pen.
Talking to the media later, Mann said being the elected representative of the public from Sangrur, he could not settle in the US, while his wife could not shift to India to live with him, so they had both sought divorce.
They filed for divorce under Section 13b of the Hindu Marriage Act.