The victim, Saurabh Kumar of Pathreri village, was employed with the Kalka-Pinjore Municipal Committee under the Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam (HKRN)
A 30-year-old supervisor with the Kalka-Pinjore Municipal Committee died after his motorcycle and a tractor-trolley collided near Shahazadpur in Ambala, police said on Monday.
The victim, Saurabh Kumar of Pathreri village, was employed with the civic body under the Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam (HKRN).
His younger brother, Gaurav, told the police that the tractor-trolley was being driven recklessly and hit his brother’s motorcycle on Sunday night.
“With the help of commuters, I took my brother to hospital, where he was declared brought dead. We later found the tractor had been abandoned and did not have a numberplate, but on checking the engine and chassis number, we found it belongs to Kamal, a native of Rajouli village,” he said.