Talwar also urged AAP MLA Daljit Singh Bhola Grewal to take immediate action to have illegal garbage cleared from the dump in Ludhiana, “If no action is taken, it will indicate that the MLA is allowing encroachments to mushroom on the spot to benefit his friends.”
Alleging that encroachments had resurfaced on public land since the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) took over the reins of the Punjab government, former Ludhiana East MLA Sanjay Talwar on Thursday said illegal construction had also been allowed to mushroom in the newly established Leisure Valley.
“Leisure Valley is coming up in Ward 12 and 13 over 23 acres of land stretching from the Subhash Nagar Cremation Ground and to the garbage dump on Tibba Road. Earlier, several people were encroaching on the site and many illegal dairy operators were discharging their waste in the area. All illegal occupations were removed and dumping of sewerage water and cow dung was stopped before work could start on the Leisure Valley project. Now, with the change in regime dairy operators have re-emerged in the area,” he said, adding the project has been going on for at least a year.
“We have repeatedly lodged complaints with municipal corporation authorities and Ludhiana Improvement Trust officials, but no action has been taken against the dairy owners,” he said, adding, “This suggest that civic authorities and the ruling dispensation are complicit with each other.”
Talwar also urged AAP MLA Daljit Singh Bhola Grewal to take immediate action to have illegal garbage cleared from the dump. “If no action is taken, it will indicate that the MLA is allowing encroachments to mushroom on the spot to benefit his friends.”
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News/Cities/Chandigarh News/ Ludhiana | AAP to blame for Leisure Valley encroachments: Ex-MLA Talwar