Audit recommends razing of ninth tower at Gurugram condo
The development means that all towers in the complex have now been deemed unsafe by technical experts
A structural audit of the Chintels Paradiso condominium at Gurugram Sector 109 has found the ninth and final tower in the complex — Tower B — to be unsafe for habitation, and has recommended that it be safely demolished, people aware of the development said on Monday.

Officials with Chintels India Ltd, the developer of the condominium, said that they commissioned the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) audit, and have submitted the report to a district committee monitoring the matter for further action. The administration, meanwhile, said that the matter will be discussed at the next meeting of the committee.
The development means that all towers in the complex have now been deemed unsafe by technical experts, who have recommended that they be demolished, the people said.
On February 10, 2022, renovations at a sixth-floor flat of Tower D in the society led to the ceiling of a bedroom collapsing, causing a cascade effect in which portions of flats caved in all the way down to the first floor. Following the incident, in which two residents were killed, the Haryana department of town and country planning (DTCP) ordered a structural audit of the entire complex.
Based on a report prepared by IIT-Delhi, the Gurugram administration deemed five of the nine towers in the complex — D, E, F, G, and H — unsafe, and in need of demolition. Later, on January 5 this year, Tower J was also declared unsafe on the basis of a structural audit, following which towers C (August) and A (October) were also declared unsafe.
Tower B is the ninth and final tower to be declared unsafe.
Chintels India Ltd vice-president JN Yadav said the developer submitted the latest structural audit report to the district committee and DTCP on December 9.
“The structural audit has recommended that Tower B should be demolished as it is unsafe for habitation. Now whatever decision and recommendations is made by the district committee regarding compensation and reconstruction, we will make an offer to the owners based on that,” he said.
According to the developer, Tower B has 64 flats, and 54 families currently live in the building.
Rakesh Hooda, president of the Chintels Paradiso RWA, said the developer should hold a meeting with flat owners from towers A, B, and C to find a solution to their problems.
“Flat owners should be made an offer of reconstruction and compensation at the earliest after holding a deliberation with the stakeholders. We are analysing the report and will hold a meeting with Tower B owners and take this matter forward,” he said.
When asked about the matter, a senior DTCP official said that they will submit their report to the district committee. “The report will be discussed in a meeting with the committee,” he said.
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