Uttar Pradesh issues over 5 crore Ayushman cards, highest in India, under Ayushman Bharat scheme. Daily patient admissions under the scheme increase from 2,000 to 8,000.
Uttar Pradesh has become the first state to issue over 5 crore Ayushman cards under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, a press statement from the state government issued on Friday read.
Over the past year, over 2.80 crore Ayushman cards were issued in the state. To provide Ayushman cards to all eligible individuals, the Ayushman Bhava campaign is being conducted across the country.
As part of the campaign, from September 17, 2023, to the present, an additional 1.94 crore Ayushman cards have been issued in Uttar Pradesh, the highest number of Ayushman cards issued under this campaign across the country.
Sangeeta Singh, CEO, State Agency For Comprehensive Health and Integrated Services (SACHIS), said, “The achievement is significant and is the result of continuous support from the National Health Authority, and dedication of ground workers, panchayat assistants, ANMs, medical officers, ASHAs, and other workers. Along with this achievement, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of patients receiving free treatment under this scheme daily. Previously, the average daily admission of patients under this scheme was 2,000, which has now increased to approximately 8,000 per day.”
For the treatment of beneficiaries in the state, more than 5,000 private and government hospitals have been enlisted.
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News/Cities/Lucknow/ Ayushman cards: U.P. first state to cross 5-crore mark