According to officials, the incident was reported on Sunday evening when suspect Rajesh Suresh Shelar allegedly kidnapped a 12-year-old from the Bhilarewadi
The Pune police on Monday secured the safe release of a 12-year-old boy who was abducted from the Bhilarewadi in Katraj, prompting a frantic search and rescue operation by Bharti Vidyapeeth Police. The suspect had demanded a ransom of ₹70 lakh for the release of the child, leading to a massive search by Bharati Vidyapeeth Police Station.
According to officials, the incident was reported on Sunday evening when suspect Rajesh Suresh Shelar allegedly kidnapped a 12-year-old from the Bhilarewadi. While police could secure the release of the teenager, the suspect is still at large, said officials.
The boy’s father is into property dealings, while the police are trying to gather more information about Shelar.
During the technical analysis of the calls, police came to know that the suspect had kept the boy in a hilly area of the Patheghar in Satara district. Acting swiftly, Crime Branch Unit 2 reached the spot and along with Satara police, rescued the boy safely and reunited him with his family.
However, the suspect managed to evade the arrest and fled the scene. Police revealed that concerted efforts are underway to locate and apprehend the accused individuals.
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News/Cities/Pune/ Kidnapped for ransom of ₹70 lakh, 12-year-old rescued by police