Vocabulary Made Easy series: Strengthen your language skills to ace in exams
Scoring well in exams is not a herculean task. With strong language skills, students can ensure they score well in exams.
Scoring well in exams is not a herculean task. With strong language skills, students can ensure they score well in exams.

Here's a way to improve your vocabulary and communication skills. Check out the words for the day and a small quiz to push yourself to improve your word power and language skills.
Abdicate (Verb)
Meaning: (of a monarch) renounce one's throne/ fail to fulfil or undertake (a responsibility or duty)
Example: In 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor
Abeyance (Noun)
Meaning: a state of temporary disuse or suspension
Example: All property rights in the property to which the order relates lie in abeyance
Also Read: Vocabulary Made Easy series: Work on your skills to ace challenging exams
Amortize (Verb)
Meaning: gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period
Example: The vessel's owners could not amortize her high capital costs
Belie (Verb)
Meaning: (of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something)/ fail to fulfil or justify (a claim or expectation)
Example: Already, we have encountered many instances that would belie any such claim
Bonhomie (Noun)
Meaning: cheerful friendliness; geniality
Example: He exuded good humour and bonhomie
Circumspect (Adjective)
Meaning: wary and unwilling to take risks
Example: The officials were very circumspect in their statements
Caustic (Adjective)
Meaning: able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action/ sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way.
Example: The players were making caustic comments about the refereeing
Brandish (Verb)
Meaning: wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement
Example: A man leaped out brandishing a knife
Clamber (Verb)
Meaning: climb or move in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet
Example: A final clamber led to cliff where we could look out to the open sea
Put your thinking cap on and try to answer the following questions to understand how much you have grasped.
- To the left, a ______________ up some muddy boulders leads towards Gypsum Cavern. Which of the following words fits best in the sentence? (Clamber, Brandish)
- Can you think of some antonyms for the words Caustic and Circumspect?
- Can you think of some synonyms for the words Bonhomie and Belie?
Also Read: Vocabulary Made Easy series: Focus on your language skills to score well in exams
Watch out for this space for your weekly update on improving word power.
(Definitions and examples are from Oxford Languages)