This Independence Day, test your kid's knowledge with on online quiz by OTT Play premium and stand a chance to win exciting prizes worth ₹1lakh +
While you wear your patriotic heart on your sleeves this Independence Day, put your kid's knowledge to test by participating in the OTT Play Premium presents Smartacus 2024, the record-breaking online quiz tournament. With the theme revolving around general knowledge and Independence Day, the online quiz also offers a chance to get an OTTplay study and stream pack worth ₹699 free for a full month.
The Indian Independence Day Quiz for Sub-Junior (Grades 1-3), Junior (Grades 4-6), Cadet (Grades 7-9), Senior (10-12) will be held online on August 15 from 5pm to 6pm. Win exciting prizes worth ₹1lakh + including mobile, tablet, smartwatch, Amazon gift vouchers. The top five winners in each category will get a chance to visit the HT FM Radio station in their city. All registered participants will get a unique digital certificate.
Early bird registrations will get exclusive entry into the lucky draw who stand a chance to win trendy OTTplay backpacks.
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News/HTCity/ Put your kids to test with this Independence Day online quiz by OTT Play Premium