Bhagat Singh was found lying on a raised platform in a cell to fetters on his legs. On seeing his father he tried to get up but reeled and fell back. He was very weak and had already reached the 22nd day of his hunger strike. Attempts were made for forcible feeding, but he refused.
Sardar Kishen Singh had an interview forone hour with his son Bhagat Singh yesterday in the Mianwali Jail. The Deputy Jailer was president at the time of the interview. Bhagat Singh was found lying on a raised platform in a cell to fetters on his legs. On seeing his father he tried to get up but reeled and fell back. He was very weak and had already reached the 22nd day of his hunger strike. Attempts were made for forcible feeding, but he refused.
HT This Day: July 10, 1929 -- Bhagat Singh’s hunger strike
When asked about the necessity of having fetters for full 24 hours on the convict, who was so weak and could not stand, the Deputy jailor informed Sardar Kishen Singh that it was in jail rules to put fetters on all convicts sentenced to more than three year’s imprisonment.
Bhagat Singh showed a determination to his father to lay down his life for the cause he was espousing and continue to fast, till the Government had raised the status of political prisoners. When Bhagat Singh was told that B. K. Dutt fainted one day on account of his hunger strike, he was much concerned and said the hunger strike would prove hard on Dutt as he was weaker than himself - Free Press
Dutt in Precarious Condition
Lahore, July I. Batukeshwar Dutt who has reached the 24th day of his hunger strike is lying in a precarious condition in the Central Jail. He fainted several times yesterday and today did it is understood that if Dutt’s condition continues to be as grave, it is likely the Magisterial enquiry into Mr. Saunder’s murder case may not come off on the 10th before the Special Magistrate, as Dutt is an accused in the case. If his condition in proves, he might be taken to the court on a stretcher to conform to the requirement of law as to accused’s presence during the trial. - Free Press