India completes field evaluation trials of indigenous missile Nag Mk 2
Defence minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the DRDO, the Indian Army, and industry partners for the successful evaluation of the Nag Mk 2 system
India successfully completed the field evaluation trials of indigenously developed third-generation Anti-Tank Fire-and-Forget Guided Missile Nag Mk 2 at Rajasthan’s Pokhran Field Firing Range on Monday, the Press Information Bureau statement said in a statement.

The statement added the missile system flawlessly hit all designated targets at both maximum and minimum ranges effectively validating its operational range. It added the Nag Missile Carrier version-2 was also evaluated during the trials, confirming the readiness of the complete weapon system for induction into the Indian Army.
The statement said defence minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the Indian Army, and industry partners for the successful evaluation of the system.
The Nag Mk 2 missile, equipped with infrared technology that locks onto targets before launch ensuring precision strikes, operates on advanced fire-and-forget technology eliminating the need for further guidance once launched. It is capable of functioning effectively in all weather conditions.
The missile travels at a speed of 230 metres per second, enabling it to destroy enemy tanks up to 4 kilometers away within 17 to 18 seconds. The missile weighing approximately 45 kilograms and measuring 6 feet 1 inch can swiftly neutralise enemy tanks and armoured vehicles.
The DRDO has developed the missile at a cost of ₹300 crore. The missile’s first successful test was conducted in 1990. Trials in 2017, 2018, and 2019 incorporated technological advancements. As part of DRDO’s Integrated Missile Development Program, the Nag Mk 2 significantly enhances India’s anti-tank warfare capabilities, providing the Indian Army.