Google doodle goes all hearts for frontline warriors as it honours them in the fight against coronavirus
‘To all coronavirus helpers, thank you’: Google doodle’s quirky appreciation for those on the front lines is exactly the peppiness our Monday morning needs
We are highly indebted as a community to our doctors, nurses, delivery staff, farmers, teachers, researchers, sanitation workers, grocery workers, househelps, chefs, firefighters, journalists, police and other emergency services workers who have kept the world going amid the raging coronavirus pandemic while we snuggled inside the security of our homes with our loved ones. From working for inhumane hours to bearing salary crunch and skipping of meals, these workers have been on the frontline and Google could not stay back from appreciating them through its signature doodle.

Google doodle’s quirky appreciation for those on the front lines is exactly the peppiness our Monday morning needs. The search engine’s homepage today reminds users of the coronavirus helpers’ fight against the crisis and urges all to stay at home in honour of their tireless unconditional work. The doodle features the double ‘o’ in its name as a funky caricature of all the frontline warriors with red hearts floating above them.

Though the doodle was initially shared by Google in April this year, another appreciation and reminder was needed given the alarming increase in COVID-19 cases and extention of the pandemic with no vaccine in sight. Google elaborated, “As COVID-19 continues to impact communities around the world, people are coming together to help one another now more than ever. We’re launching a Doodle series to recognize and honor many of those on the front lines. Today, we’d like to say: To all coronavirus helpers, thank you.”
At the bottom of the message, Google also listed ways to help stop the spread of COVID-19. They included simple but compulsory steps like, “Wear a mask. Save lives. Wear a face cover. Wash your hands. Keep a safe distance.” It is important to clean your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub and not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Stay home if you feel unwell and cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue while coughing or sneezing. Seek medical attention at the earliest if you experience fever, cough and difficulty breathing.
Wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible and maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing. We’ll get through this.