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WHO's cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen
Aspartame, used in products from Coca-Cola diet sodas to Mars' Extra chewing gum and some Snapple drinks, will be listed as possibly carcinogenic to humans.
Published on Jun 29, 2023 01:19 PM IST
Reuters | | Posted by Krishna Priya Pallavi, London
Researchers discover cause and treatment for common type of high blood pressure
The researchers discovered that this form of hypertension could be cured by unilateral adrenalectomy - removing one of the two adrenal glands.
Published on Jun 12, 2023 03:52 PM IST
ANI | | Posted by Krishna Priya Pallavi, London, Uk
Blood test that can detect more than 50 types of cancer shows promise: Study
The study enrolled 6,238 patients, aged 18 and older. The blood test can detect 50 types of cancer and is made by the US firm Grail.
Post-COVID-19 conditions change a person's immunological response: Study
The study found that after people with long COVID-19 received the vaccine, they produced antibodies against the virus that causes COVID-19 for months longer.
Published on Apr 27, 2023 02:49 PM IST
ANI | | Posted by Krishna Priya Pallavi, Washington, Us