Benefits of pearls and the sun signs who should wear them
Pearl provides various benefits to a person who wears it, including, financial gains, and knowledge. Besides it also strengthens the brain of a person and increases the frequency of positive thoughts.
Wearing a pearl necklace or a pearl ring is not uncommon. You will find many women adorning pearls in the form of jewellery. The jewellery pieces not only add to the beauty of a person but also imparts other benefits as well. Pearl provides various benefits to a person who wears it including, financial gains, and knowledge. Besides it also strengthens the brain and increases the frequency of positive thoughts.
In astrology, pearl is linked to the planets- Moon and Venus. It regulates the water component of the body and it controls the cough. Let’s find out what the benefits of wearing a pearl are and who should wear them and who all should avoid wearing it.
Benefits of wearing Pearls:
1. It is believed that a round pearl is the best among all. If the pearl is round in shape and yellow in colour, it provides knowledge to the person who wears it.
2. If the pearl is elongated and round and there is a sky colour circle in the centre or crescent then the person can be blessed with a son.
3. If the pearl is pointed at one end and flat at the other end and sky blue in coloured, then the person who wears it receives financial gains.
4. Using pearl helps in mental strength and sharpens the brain. Simultaneously, any issues related to the moon can also be addressed. It helps a person with positive thoughts.
Sun-signs that should wear pearl:
1. It is considered beneficial for Aries, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces sun signs.
2. Leo, Libra and Sagittarius sun-signs should wear the pearl only in special circumstances.
3. Rest of the sun signs should not wear the pearl.
How to wear a pearl?
The pearl in the form of a silver ring should be worn on the little finger on a Monday night of Shukla paksha. Some people are advised to wear this during the full moon (purnima). Wear pearls only after washing with the sacred water (ganga jal) and offering it to Lord Shiva.

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