Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for July 6
Daily horoscope: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out the astrological prediction for Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces and other zodiac signs for July 6.
All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

*Aries (March 21-April 20)
The day brightens both your personal and professional fronts. Changes being made in the house may prove a lot of hassle. You may be in the mood for an outing today, so make plans beforehand. Those who have been allotted a house or plot may find it difficult to pay up the balance amount. Extra coaching may prove a boon for some on the academic front. You will manage to remain regular in your workouts and come back in shape. Your efforts on the financial front are likely to add substantially to your wealth.
Love Focus: Love life is likely to look up, as relationship grows stronger.
Lucky Colour: Chocolate
Lucky Alphabet: M
Friendly Numbers: 8, 10
Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Scorpio
Be careful of: Libra
*Taurus (April 21-May 20)
You can feel uneasy regarding an option on the professional front, but you will make the right choice in the end. Setting up a new house or buying something new for the house is indicated. Problems are foreseen for those travelling by road. Some of you are likely to get a good bargain on property. Something important may be achieved on the academic front. You will soon reach peak physical fitness by keeping up your workout routine. A previous investment is likely to mature and bring you into big money.
Love Focus: A surprise sprung by lover may simply floor you!
Lucky Colour: Baby Pink
Lucky Alphabet: D
Friendly Numbers: 18, 20
Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Sagittarius
Be careful of: Cancer
*Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)
An interesting companion is likely to make a long journey pleasurable. An old ailment that had been troubling you for long will be got rid of soon. You will manage to get a disputed property under your name. Adverse developments on the career front may alarm you. You are likely to gain financially today. You may find it difficult to get into the grip of things and assert your authority at work. You can remain busy in setting up the house.
Love Focus: Spending time with lover will prove most fulfilling.
Lucky Colour: Golden Brown
Lucky Alphabet: K
Friendly Numbers: 12, 16
Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Scorpio
Be careful of: Aries
*Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)
Handsome profits can be expected in a business. Your effervescent nature may draw others to you in a family function. A package tour to an exotic destination can be lapped up by some. Ancestral property related issues may disturb some. You get the opportunity to exploit the present to achieve better prospects. Regular exercise regimen will help keep you trim and energetic. You are likely to take an exception to seemingly wasteful expenses at home.
Love Focus: Lover is likely to support you in rekindling love life.
Lucky Colour: Light Gray
Lucky Alphabet: B
Friendly Numbers: 8, 15
Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Scorpio
Be careful of: Gemini
*Leo (July 23-August 23)
You will be able to meet a deadline on the work front without paying any penalty. You will need to be more responsive to the needs of spouse, if you want peace and harmony to prevail on the home front. An out of town trip with family is indicated and will prove most enjoyable. You will need to do better than your current performance on the academic front to achieve your goal. You can expect your physical condition to improve. Someone’s advice on investment may be well worth it, so go for it after vetting at your end.
Love Focus: An exciting time with lover is likely to prove most fulfilling.
Lucky Colour: Dark Grey
Lucky Alphabet: H
Friendly Numbers: 12, 15
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Scorpio
Be careful of: Taurus
*Virgo (August 24-September 23)
Entrepreneurs and inventors are likely to taste success. A tough time is foreseen on the domestic front, as someone is not ready to toe your line. Be careful while driving at night. Selling a property may bring in big money. Passion for what you are pursuing on the academic front will help keep you in the lead. Motivating yourself for workouts is likely to keep you fit. A pending payment may be received sooner than expected.
Love Focus: You can get luck in your search for a suitable mate.
Lucky Colour: Dark Green
Lucky Alphabet: G
Friendly Numbers: 9, 12
Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Sagittarius
Be careful of: Leo
*Libra (September 24-October 23)
Your consistency is likely to be acknowledged by those who matter on the professional front. A family member may need your help, so don’t disappoint. You are likely to shortlist suitable premises for buying in the real estate market. Your aptitude for something on the academic front may become your greatest asset. You will be able to eat right despite temptations. Wise investments are likely to secure excellent returns for the future, so don’t delay.
Love Focus: Getting jilted in love is possible.
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown
Lucky Alphabet: Y
Friendly Numbers: 6, 12, 18
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & Scorpio
Be careful of: Virgo
*Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Support of family members is yours for the asking as love is showered on you. Family will be supportive, especially for those following a hectic schedule. A property issue is likely to be settled amicably. On the career front, this is the time to contemplate on your future course of action. Health-wise you will feel on the top of the world. Your financial situation is set to improve, as money comes from an unexpected source. You are likely to create a niche for yourself on the professional front.
Love Focus: Romance beckons, so expect an exciting time with partner.
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Alphabet: Y
Friendly Numbers: 26, 27
Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Aquarius
Be careful of: Taurus
*Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
A friend will count upon you to get back in shape on the fitness front. Depleted bank balance will make you think twice before incurring any heavy expenditure. You are likely to handle a tough situation at work most effectively and efficiently. It will be important to repose full faith in someone regarding a pending property matter. Mental tensions are likely to become a thing of the past, as you move towards peace and tranquility. You will be able to enjoy your personal time at home by not getting involved in petty issues.
Love Focus: You may not be too lucky in love today, as differences threaten to crop up in your relationship.
Lucky Colour: Chocolate
Lucky Alphabet: R
Friendly Numbers: 27, 11
Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & Scorpio
Be careful of: Cancer
*Capricorn (December 22-January 21)
Avoid excesses to keep good health. A windfall can be expected, as chance to earn well comes to you. New opportunities are likely to come within your grasp on the professional front. Those venturing into something new will find the family most supportive. Travel will prove rejuvenating and refreshing.
This is a good day for dealing in property. You are likely to get an opportunity for spending an enjoyable time with a childhood friend or relative.
Love Focus: Love life may require nurturing at your end.
Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Alphabet: A
Friendly Numbers: 22, 11
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Aquarius
Be careful of: Aries
*Aquarius (January 22-February 19)
Stars seem favorable today, so expect everything to go smoothly, both on personal and professional fronts. Arrival of a family member will be as unexpected, as it will be delightful. Some of you may become proud possessors of property soon by paying the final amount. You can join your friends or family in executing something important. You will manage to get back in shape. Expert advice on the financial front will help you ease things.
Love Focus: Your romantic ways are likely to impress the one you love.
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Alphabet: T
Friendly Numbers: 2, 22, 10
Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Scorpio
Be careful of: Gemini
*Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Your performance at work is likely to be lauded by those who matter. Pending major tasks are likely to be initiated soon on the home front. A vacation is on the cards for some. You are likely to get an opportunity to hang out with your favorite crowd on the social front. Possession of a new property is indicated for some. A home remedy may not prove effective in curing an ailment. Financially, you will find your situation much better, than before.
Love Focus: Some of you may feel a bit frustrated on the romantic front, as things don’t move your way.
Lucky Colour: Golden Brown
Lucky Alphabet: E
Friendly Numbers: 4, 9
Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Sagittarius
Be careful of: Leo

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