Reports suggest that filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya is planning to take legal action against Ekta Kapoor for “using his name” in the trailer of her upcoming sex comedy Kyaa Kool Hain Hum. The film stars Tusshar Kapoor and Afatab Shivdasani and is scheduled to release on January 22, 2016. The movie also stars Bigg Boss 9 contestants Mandana Karimi and Gizele Thakral.
Reports suggest that filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya is planning to take legal action against Ekta Kapoor for “using his name” in the trailer of her upcoming sex comedy Kyaa Kool Hain Hum. The film stars Tusshar Kapoor and Afatab Shivdasani and is scheduled to release on January 22, 2016. The movie also stars Bigg Boss 9 contestants Mandana Karimi and Gizele Thakral.
“After the trailer released, one of Barjatya’s assistant directors informed him about references being made to him and asked him to watch it. He is upset that his name has been used without permission,” Mumbai tabloid Mid Day quoted a source.
In the trailer, Mandana is seen introducing her beau Tusshar Kapoor to her father, who is all about sanskaar and family values. Tusshar then says, “Tumhare daddy Sooraj Barjatya ke filmon ke babuji jaise honge pata nahin tha.” Mandana then replies, “Mere daddy Barjatya nahin, Karjatya hain. Surya Karjatya.”
According to the source, Barjatya is also unhappy that Hum Aapke Hain Koun (1994) is referred to as ‘Hum Aapke Hai Porn’, adds the source: “The assistant director has conveyed Barjatya’s response to the makers of the sex comedy,” the source added.