Personal Agenda: “My recent self-discovery has been that I’m a wannabe intellectual,” says Neil Bhoopalam
Aug 02, 2020 08:03 AM IST
The actor shares the funniest improv he has done on stage and tells us the one habit he wants to get rid of
Describe yourself in a hashtag.
Neil Bhoopalam’s advice to his 10-year-old self would be to go with the flow(Ishaan Nair) Date of birth: March 19
Sunsign: Pisces
Place of birth: Mumbai
School/College: R. D. National College, Mumbai
First break: I’d consider my theatre break to be my first break
Most used app: WhatsApp
On speed dial: My parents, my wife and my brother
Last app I check before going to bed: WhatsApp, again
Most used filter on Instagram: I’m bit of a Flintstone, so I don’t really use a filter!
Least used app: I don’t use a smartphone. I use a 2G phone.
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News / Lifestyle / Brunch / Personal Agenda: “My recent self-discovery has been that I’m a wannabe intellectual,” says Neil Bhoopalam
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