If there is one question that Salman Khan fans have been waiting to get an answer to, it is when the most-talked-about bachelor of Bollywood will tie the knot. But it looks like the actor doesn’t have marriage on his agenda, though he says he wants to have children.
If there is one question that Salman Khan fans have been waiting to get an answer to, it is when the most-talked-about bachelor of Bollywood will tie the knot. But it looks like the actor doesn’t have marriage on his agenda, though he says he wants to have children.
“I don’t know about marriage, but if there is any way to have kids without getting married, I am interested in that. I am still trying to find a way to do that,” said the 47-year-old actor during a press conference through Google Hangout — a virtual social networking platform — and interacted with the media for about 40 minutes. Salman, who has stayed away from social networking platforms, also announced that he is now making a conscious effort to enter the world of social networking. “I am not tech-savvy but I realise the importance of interacting with my fans through this new medium. There are people around me who are helping me get used to this medium,” shared the actor.
And though he’s a new entrant in this arena, Salman has already put down his rules of social media interaction. “I won’t talk about my films in my webpage. I am looking at building a community online through which my fans will help each other in their times of need,” shared the actor, adding, “I am currently looking for my most Dabangg fan, that person will manage my page. And if this online communtiy doesn’t shape up the way I want it to, and my fans are not benefitted by being part of it, then I will exit the social networking medium.”