Lakhwinder Singh Chairman Block Samiti Sidhwan Bet, has also been nominated in this case. The BDPO and Chairman have been arrested and would be produced in the court on Wednesday.
The Vigilance Bureau arrested Satwinder Singh Kang BDPO Sidhwan Bet block, Ludhiana district and Lakhwinder Singh Chairman Block Samiti Sidhwan Bet for misappropriation in the Government funds to the tune of ₹65 lakh for purchasing street lights at the double cost than the approved rate which were to be installed in 26 villages.
Spokesperson of the Vigilance Bureau (VB) said that during investigation it was found that Satwinder Singh BDPO (Now under suspension) during his posting in the Sidhwan Bet block had received official grant for installation of street lights in 26 villages. In order to embezzle the funds the said BDPO in criminal connivance with Gaurav Sharma, proprietor of Amar Electrical Enterprises, had deliberately purchased the lights at a cost of ₹7,288 per light against the approved rate of ₹3,325. In this way he had misappropriated Government grant to the tune of ₹65 lakh for his own use and caused financial loss to the state exchequer.
The spokesperson informed that in this case an FIR was lodged on September 27 under section 409, 120-B of IPC and Sec 13(1) (a), 13(2) Prevention of Corruption Act, at vigilance bureau, economic offences wing, Ludhiana against Satwinder Singh Kang BDPO and Gaurav Sharma owner of Amar Electrical Enterprises. He added that later on Lakhwinder Singh Chairman Block Samiti Sidhwan Bet, has also been nominated in this case during the investigation. In this case BDPO and Chairman have been arrested and would be produced in the court on Wednesday.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh News/ Funds misappropriation: Punjab Vigilance Bureau arrests two block-level officials in Sidhwan Bet