Jatin’s colleague Sumeshwar Mehto, alias Suman, who hails from Bihar and currently is living in Mauli Jagran, told police that he worked with Jatin as a plumber in Panchkula, Chandigarh and Baddi in Himachal Pradesh
An 18-year-old scooterist was killed after being hit by a truck while heading to work in Madawala village.
The deceased was identified as Jatin Singh Saini, of Sector 27, Panchkula.
Jatin’s colleague Sumeshwar Mehto, alias Suman, who hails from Bihar and currently is living in Mauli Jagran, told police that he worked with Jatin as a plumber in Panchkula, Chandigarh and Baddi in Himachal Pradesh.
On August 7, they both were on their way to Baddi Industrial Area for work at 11 am on Jatin’s Honda Activa. While Jatin was driving, Mehto was riding pillion.
Around 12.30 pm, while they were crossing a bridge in Madawala village, a speeding truck came from behind and hit the two-wheeler. As a result, they fell on the road and Jatin’s head was crushed under the front tyre of the truck. Jatin was rushed to the civil hospital in Kalka where he was declared dead. A case under Sections 281 and 106 of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) was registered at the Pinjore police station
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News/Cities/Chandigarh/ Panchkula: 18-year-old scooterist killed in crash with truck