Senior police superintendent Raj Karan Nayyar said Ram Sahrey Das stayed in a room adjacent to Hanumangarhi Temple with two disciples, who are the key suspects
A 44-year-old priest at Ayodhya’s Hanumangarhi Temple was found dead with his throat slit in a room in the high-security zone of Ram Janambhoomi premises on Thursday, said police and added someone familiar is suspected to have murdered him. Investigators cited the initial probe and said there was no forced entry into Ram Sahrey Das’s room.
Senior police superintendent Raj Karan Nayyar said Das stayed in the room adjacent to Hanumangarhi Temple with two disciples, who are the key suspects. He added one of the suspects was being questioned while the second was missing. Nayyar said four teams have been formed to trace the second suspect.
Nayyar said they were informed about the incident around 7am. Das’s body with slit throat was found after he did not turn up for morning prayers. Nayyar said Das was one of the priests at Hanumangarhi Temple.
Nayyar cited the initial spot examination and said it suggested Das was murdered with a sharp-edged weapon. He added they were yet to recover the weapon. Nayyar said Das had some confrontation with his disciples on Wednesday night even as police were trying to ascertain the exact reason behind the murder.
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News/Cities/Lucknow News/ Ayodhya’s Hanumangarhi Temple priest found dead; disciple detained