Navi Mumbai cops follow extra safety steps to keep family safe
As more in the police force are being infected by Covid-19, the personnel in Navi Mumbai are taking measures to keep themselves and their family safe.

Satish Gaikwad, senior police inspector of Kalamboli police station, said, “While we practise social distancing, wear a mask and frequently wash our hands, our fear is are we carriers of infection when we return home. We meet so many people a day that we don’t know whether we or our family members are safe.”
Many make sure to change their uniform and to not take anything house. “I don’t get anything inside the house, including shoes. I don’t go home for lunch,” said Gaikwad.
Water and soap are available at nakabandi spots and residents have been asked to file complaints online.
Traffic and local police have touching licence or any other document.
Bhanudas Khatavar, a traffic police inspector from Vashi traffic police station, said, “After I reach home, I do not touch anything till I have washed myself. I wait for the security guard to open the gate. I use the stairs instead of the lift.”
“Nobody is allowed to enter my room even if I am not around,” said Khatavar.
The police personnel have been given protective gear so that they are safe while on duty.