
PCS-2024 (PRE) EXAM-2024 Candidates to enter the exam centre after iris scan Admit cards issued, recruitment exam on Dec 22nd

By, Prayagraj
Dec 12, 2024 05:08 AM IST

As an added security feature, this time the candidates will be allowed to enter the examination centres only after thorough biometric verification (iris/eye scan).

Headquarters of UPPSC (HT Photo)
Headquarters of UPPSC (HT Photo)

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) uploaded the admit cards of the candidates for the Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services (Preliminary) Examination-2024, commonly known as PCS (Pre)-2024, on its official website on Wednesday.

As an added security feature, this time the candidates will be allowed to enter the examination centres only after thorough biometric verification (iris/eye scan).

Due to the recent agitation by aspirants against the proposed computerised normalisation process, for the first time centers have been set up in all 75 districts of the state to conduct the PCS (preliminary) examination in one day itself.

Normalisation process was to be adopted by UPPSC as per a set formula to create a balance between the level of tough and the easy questions due to the proposed move to conduct the recruitment examinations in two days.

In the advertisement for PCS-2024, it was mentioned that the examination would be conducted in 51 districts only, but as per the government order issued on June 19, due to non-availability of enough examination centres as compared to the registered candidates, the examination has to be conducted in all 75 districts of the state .

The preliminary examination of 5,76,154 candidates who applied for this recruitment will be conducted on December 22 in two sessions: From 9.30am to 11.30am and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

After downloading the admit card using their OTR number, the candidates have to reach the examination centre concerned with two photographs as well as the original and one photocopy of ID proof.

According to the information released by the Under Secretary of the Commission Omkarnath Singh, the candidates will be given entry in the examination centre one-and-a-half hour before the scheduled time of the examination and the entry will be closed 45 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination.

The Commission has clarified that under the Uttar Pradesh Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024 (Uttar Pradesh Act No. 8, 2024), using unfair means in the examination, copying or causing copying, copying or disclosing or conspiring to disclose the question paper etc come under the category of crime, which are punishable under this Act. In such cases, there can be a fine of up to 1 crore and punishment up to life imprisonment, or both.

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