CBSE Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge 2022: Application process underway
CBSE Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge 2022: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has invited online applications for the Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge- CBSE Maths competition 2022.
CBSE Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge 2022: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has invited online applications for the Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge- CBSE Maths competition 2022.

Interested candidates can now apply for the competition at the official website
The last date to apply for the competition is November 15, 2022 till 5:30 pm.
Students from Classes 8 to 10 can apply for the competition.
The competition will be conducted at two levels.
Level 1 will be a School Level Competition to be conducted by the School in a pen paper mode.
Level 2 will be a National Level Competition to be conducted by CBSE as a Computer Based test.
Both the levels will be of one hour each and will contain objective type questions.
During the period from 16th to 21st November 2022, a question paper will be made available to the registered schools with answer key through the portal.
The registered schools will conduct the test by using the question paper to identify top three students.
In the second stage of the test a computer based test will be conducted by the board for the top three students registered from each school on December 15, 2022.
On successful completion of the second level computer test, top 100 students from each CBSE region will be given Merit certificate.
Questions will assess the ability of the students to apply the concepts/areas like Number Systems & Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry & Spatial Sense, Data Analysis & Probability, Algebra, Analytical, Creative and Abstract Thinking etc. in their daily lives.
“Schools shall register the names of these top three students by paying online fee of Rs.900/- during 28th November to 10th December 2022. The link for paying online fee can only be accessed by the schools that are registered for the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) before the last date.” reads the official notification.
There is no participation fee at level 1. At level 2 Rs.900 will be charged for appearing in the challenge at the Second Level.
According to the official notification, 10 schools from each region with maximum number of student participation in the first stage shall be given an appreciation certificate by the Board.