In the run-up to Raksha Bandhan (August 19), we spoke to actor Divya Dutta and her brother who reveal they share the same kind of bond that they used to as kids
Actor Divya Dutta, 48, and her brother, Dr Rahul Dutta, 46, continue to share the same kind of bond that they used to as kids. Rahul says, “She is two years older than me, but still calls me bhaiya. But she gets very irritated when I call her didi. I love pulling her leg all the time.”
Divya chimes in: “My first-ever photo shoot, which we thought is the most glamorous one ever, was done by him on our terrace. We secretly sent those pictures for a talent hunt and I got selected. I still remember us standing with our heads bowed as our mum asked, ‘Who did this?’”
Ask if there’s anything common between the sibling duo, and they say, “writing poetry”. Divya shares, “Rahul writes beautifully and his words are so touching. He has been writing lyrics too. I love the fact that being a guy, he wrote something on gender equality, and I recited it and posted it on social media.”
The actor adds that their love for writing comes from their late mother: “Back in the day, mum and I would recite our pieces and Rahul would record us. And now, his kids do the same, as we watch.”
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News/HTCity/Cinema/ Raksha Bandhan Special | Divya Dutta: My brother is the grounding factor in my life