Varkala Mohan is a labourer at the railway station. But his story does not end there. The 45-five-year old man pens poems and composes devotional songs in his spare time.
Varkala Mohan is a labourer at the railway station here. But his story does not end there. The 45-five-year old man pens poems and composes devotional songs in his spare time.
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Mohan says he has composed several devotional songs, brought out three devotional cassettes and an anthology of poems, which are in good demand. Another collection of his poems will be released shortly, he claims.
Originally from Varkala in Thiruvananthapuram, Mohan had to give up school after completing the seventh standard. He left home after his father’s death and has been working as a labourer at the station for the past 30 years.
‘Thiruvady Ayyappan’, a cassette with 11 devotional songs in praise of Lord Ayyappa of the famous Sabarimala hill shrine, was released at a function here on October 19. Two other devotional cassettes were released earlier and another is to be released soon. Mohan’s anthology of 41 poems, Raagamithrem, was published in 2002 by Pen Books. His second anthology comprising 50 poems will be published shortly.