White peacock displays its beautiful plumage to attract mate, it’s a sight to behold. Watch
The video captures the mating dance of a beautiful white peacock.
From making special gestures to giving gifts, humans engage in various kinds of courtship behaviours with the intention of impressing their potential partners. However, these gestures of mankind, including the elaborate ones, often seem pale in comparison to the stunning and amazing ways of the animal world – like dancing to impress the females of the species. Case in point is this video of a peacock engaged in a mating dance to impress a peahen. What makes this clip even a more wonderful watch is that the peacock is all white.
The video is shared on the official Twitter handle of Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Visakhapatnam. It details the mating dance of a lovely white peacock. Chances are that the video may make you gasp in wonder.
“White peafowl at courtship display,” with this caption the zoological park tweeted the video.
Though the zoological park shared the video on May 26, it is now being posted by many all across Twitter. People have a lot to say about the incredible clip.
“Partner ka to nahi pata, but hum to impress ho gaye [don’t know about its partner but I’m surely impressed],” wrote a Twitter user. “If not like this than how?” jokingly expressed another. “Peacock is the most beautiful bird. I saw a white peacock only once. This bird is gorgeous!” tweeted another praising the bird’s beauty.
What do you think of this white peacock’s video?
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