A day after police claimed that Shiv Sena (Uttar Bharat) district in-charge Deepak Kamboj (35) had orchestrated the February 16 attack on self with two friends to gain publicity and maximum security cover, the city police on Saturday withdrew the six gunmen attached with Kamboj.
A day after police claimed that Shiv Sena (Uttar Bharat) district in-charge Deepak Kamboj (35) had orchestrated the February 16 attack on self with two friends to gain publicity and maximum security cover, the city police on Saturday withdrew the six gunmen attached with Kamboj.
Four cops of constable rank, along with an escort vehicle from city police, were guarding the leader, who has also been booked under the conspiracy charges.
The police had arrested his two friends on Friday night. Gaurav Sondhi, owner of a printing press at Dhan Mohalla; and Supinder Singh, a property dealer at Maqdoompura; recorded their statements before the court of the chief judicial magistrate. They have been sent to police custody till May 3.
The police claimed that they had to recover the clothes worn by the accused at the time of the incident as captured by the CCTV cameras. The police said the clothes would be sent to the forensic laboratory at SAS Nagar for examination.
The police said the investigation in the case was almost over but was kept under wraps as they did not want to create a law-and-order problem. The probe was kept low key till a special investigation team was formed on April 27. They said that owing to Deepak’s proximity to the police high-ups in the past, he was easily able to arrange weapon licences.
Earlier too, the accused had twice planned the attack but it did not materialise.
When asked about Deepak’s arrest, police commissioner Arpit Shukla said the police would soon arrest him.
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News/Cities/Others/ Attack orchestrated on self: Police withdraw security to Shiv Sena leader