mission impossible
Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One is the seventh instalment in Tom Cruise's action thriller franchise Mission: Impossible. The first instalment of the franchise, directed by Brian De Palma, released way back in 1996. It introduced Tom Cruise in the role of Ethan Hunt, a world-class spy.
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, directed by Christopher MacQuarrie, is the sequel to Mission: Impossible - Fallout, that released in 2018. Dead Reckoning is being made in two parts. The first will be released on July 12 and the second is slated to release on June 28, 2024.
Along with Tom Cruise, the spy thriller also stars Simon Pegg return as Benji Dunn, Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa Fraust, and Vanessa Kirby as Alanna Mitsopolis. It will feature the new addition of Hayley Atwell, who plays Grace. Backed by Paramount Pictures, Dead Reckoning Part One is made on an estimated budget of $290 million.
The film premiered in Rome, Italy on June 19. Rome is crucial to the film's plot as a major car chase sequence featuring Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell takes place in the city. Dead Reckoning Part One has earned 98 percent Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes off of 113 critic reviews. Reviews have been mostly positive with a pinch of criticism for the kind of hollow story. The action scenes got high praise with special mentions of Tom's conviction for the job.
Dead Reckoning Part One includes a number of high-stakes action sequences, the most talked about of which is the one in which Tom Cruise rides a bike off a very high cliff. Tom dubbed the stunt as “the most dangerous thing we have ever attempted” and something he “wanted to do since I was a kid.”
The film is expected to generate more than $300 million in North America, according to Box Office Pro.
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