vc of banaras hindu university
]Latest from vc of banaras hindu university
Evening brief: BHU students protest against VC’s Iftar party
Here are today’s top news, analysis, and opinion. Know all about the latest news and other news updates from Hindustan Times.

BHU students protest against VC’s Iftar party, authorities say old practice
A protesting student said the VC was trying to impose a new tradition and trying to politicise the campus, while another suggested that he may move to Jamia or AMU to continue with such events.

We will elevate BHU to world's great universities: BHU VC Prof Jain
Laying emphasis on fostering a culture of inclusivity, transparency, consultation with students and teachers, collegiality and mutual respect, Prof Sudhir Jain, who assumed office as 28th vice-chancellor of BHU on Friday, said that he would work to elevate the BHU to the world's great universities.