Mysterious-looking creature from deep inside the ocean goes viral. Watch
A video clip shows a mysterious-looking creature from deep ocean. This video has caught the attention of many.
We all know that ocean is one of those marvels that is still widely undiscovered. Many unknown creatures live deep in the water that we may have never even heard of. Adding to the list of such creatures, recently, a Twitter page by the name of @Rainmaker1973 shared a video of a translucent-looking hyperiid that has caught the attention of many. According to the Smithsonian's website hyperiids are "small crustaceans related to sand fleas and distantly related to shrimp."
In the video, which was shared by @Rainmaker1973 you can see this creature with its eggs. The post's caption informed, "Cystisoma is a crustacean that lives between 600-1000 m deep in the ocean. Its body is totally transparent: only its eyes are pigmented. This one has a brooding pouch full of orange eggs." Ocean researcher Alejandro Damian-Serrano originally took this video in 2017.
Take a look at the video here:
Since this video was reshared again two days ago, it has been viewed 12.3 million times and has several likes and comments.
Take a look at some of the comments below:
One person in the Twitter comments said, "Wow, the ocean is so cool." Another person added, "The amazing creatures we have in our world. Some look alien but are very much earthlings." A third person wrote, "How does it keep from exploding at our "low pressure" compared to the pressure it's designed to survive? I've seen fish with their internals hanging out of their mouth from only 150' deep."