Sunny Leone will be seen shaking a leg with Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan at ongoing reality show Bigg Boss 10. One of the songs that they will dance to, is Sunny’s new version of Laila Main Laila from Raees.
Bigg Boss 10 will soon play host to one more blockbuster star other than Salman Khan: Shah Rukh Khan in the house to promote his film Raees for the weekend special episode. There is one more big attraction other than the two Khans sharing the stage. We have now learnt that Sunny Leone, who has an item song in the film, will also share the stage with the two Khans.
Sunny Leone will be seen shaking a leg with Salman and SRK in the episode. One of the songs that they will dance to is Sunny’s new version of Laila Main Laila.
Sunny Leone is no stranger to Bigg Boss having participated in the fifth season of reality show in 2011. Bigg Boss turned out to be her springboard for Bollywood as she landed her first film Jism 2 in 2012.