Ever since the trailer of Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui landed, there's been a lot of secrecy around the film's plot. The trailer gave us a hint but kept most of it under wraps. While we're used to seeing Ayushmann Khurrana take up films based on taboo subjects, this time, it is Vaani Kapoor, who has taken the plunge and dived deep into uncharted waters. The film, directed by Abhishek Kapoor doesn't lose sight of what is important and hence, little flaws here and there are easily ignored. Manvinder Munjal aka Manu (Ayushmann) is a fitness freak, who owns a gym and is preparing hard for an annual local championship which he has been unable to crack so far. Things change when Maanvi Brar (Vaani), a zumba instructor is hired to take classes in his gym. Manu with his buff body and Maanvi with her glam looks, are instantly drawn to each other and what ensues is a romantic and passionate relationship between the two. But there's more to Maanvi than just being a gorgeous looking woman and its upon learning truth about her past that Manu is left in a state of deep confusion.
News/Videos/Entertainment/ Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui | No Rating Movie Review | Ayushmann Khurrana