After details of the Gujarat SIT affidavit were revealed, where the police opposed activist Teesta Setalvad's bail application by claiming that she was a part of a bigger plot hatched at the behest of late Congress Leader Ahmed Patel to destabilize the 2002 Modi government in the state, the BJP alleged that Congress president Sonia Gandhi was the "driving force" behind the "conspiracy" to implicate then CM Modi. In a press conference, party spokesperson Sambit Patra claimed that the late Ahmed Patel, who was Gandhi's political adviser and a leading Congress leader, was just the medium through which she acted to destabilise the BJP government in the state and damage Prime Minister Modi's political career. Watch this video for more details.
News/Videos/News/ ‘Sonia plotted against Modi’: BJP-Cong spar after Guj SIT's riots case affidavit