Sources in the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) said NIC has assured the regulator that it is in a state of readiness to assist government organisations and agencies, and resolve any issues, as new rules for commercial messages come into force.
Trai has written to key ministries, associations like COAI and Nasscom, and nodal agencies like NIC in a massive information outreach as it pulls out all stops to ensure smooth implementation of its new regulations on bulk messages after March 31.
Sources in the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) said NIC has assured the regulator that it is in a state of readiness to assist government organisations and agencies, and resolve any issues, as new rules for commercial messages come into force. The National Informatics Centre (NIC) provides technology support to governance services.
The regulator has written to key stakeholders across sectors informing them at length about the rules, and urging them to advise entities and organisations under their jurisdiction to “strictly comply with the new regulatory requirement without further delay”.
Trai also sounded out industry associations CII, FICCI, Assocham, Nasscom and COAI, urging them to inform their member organisations about new regulatory requirements, the sources said. Trai has also written to entities such as NIC, CDAC as well as all government organisations that are availing benefits of concessional SMSes.