Haryana chief minister ML Khattar on Friday said that Haryana would give Delhi its share of water, though it was not practical to provide water to Delhi by ignoring the interests of farmers and citizens of Haryana.
Haryana chief minister ML Khattar on Friday said that Haryana would give Delhi its share of water, though it was not practical to provide water to Delhi by ignoring the interests of farmers and citizens of Haryana.
Speaking at the meeting of Upper Yamuna Review Committee, chaired by Union minister for water resources, river development and Ganga rejuvenation Uma Bharati at New Delhi, Khattar said that keeping in view the increasing population of Delhi, more water would be required in future, but it was not justifiable to expect only from Haryana to meet the water demand of Delhi. All states should contribute in supply of water to Delhi, he added.
Khattar said that he was informed that Uttar Pradesh was constructing Tabar Dam which would breach the banks of Yamuna in Haryana. He demanded that the construction of this dam be banned.
It was decided that a meeting of chief secretaries of both the states would be convened and till then the UP government would stop the construction of this dam.It was also decided to constitute a joint monitoring committee for regulation and monitoring of inter-state rivers and that the decisions of such matters should not be left on states.
Khattar also invited the Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal to visit Haryana. Accepting the invitation, Kejriwal said he would visit the state in the first week of April, an official release here said.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh News/ Water-sharing Row: State farmers’ interests would not be ignored, says Khattar in Delhi meeting