Chandigarh adviser Rajeev Verma directed the secretary, urban planning, to expedite the process of further amending the building by-laws, reducing the plot size requirement for mandatory solar installations from 500 square yards to 250 square yards
In a bid to enhance the adoption of solar power, now, the owners of 250 square yards plots will mandatory have to install solar power plants in the city. Earlier, it was 500 square yards.
A meeting of the state-level coordination committee constituted for PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana was convened on Wednesday to oversee the implementation of the scheme.
To enhance the performance of the scheme within the city, UT adviser Rajeev Verma directed the secretary, urban planning, to expedite the process of further amending the building by-laws, reducing the plot size requirement for mandatory solar installations from 500 square yards to 250 square yards.
In a bid to address the issue of violation of these laws, the adviser directed DC Vinay Pratap Singh to take strict action against the defaulters and to issue property resumption notices to the property owners who have failed to comply with the mandate to install solar power plants with a plot size of 500 square yards and above.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh/ Chandigarh: Now, owners of 250 square yards of plot size have to install solar plants