Jeet Singh, ACP, Kharkhoda, said the incident took place in the wee hours on Saturday when the accused first killed his wife with a sharp-edged weapon being used to harvest crop and then strangled his son, who was sleeping on the terrace
A man allegedly killed his wife with a sharp edged-weapon and strangled his eight-year-old son to death at Gopalpur village in Sonepat in the wee hours on Saturday, said the police.
The deceased have been identified as Kusum, 27, and her eight-year-old son. The accused Shamsher has killed his wife as he “doubted her character” and the couple had frequent fights over family matters, said the police.
Jeet Singh, ACP, Kharkhoda, said the incident took place in the wee hours on Saturday when the accused first killed his wife with a sharp-edged weapon being used to harvest crop and then strangled his son, who was sleeping on the terrace.
“The woman’s body was recovered in a pool of blood from a room and the boy’s body was found on the terrace. The accused visited the Kharkhoda police station around 6.30 am on Saturday and told the cops that he had killed his wife and son due to family discord. The accused’s 10-year-old daughter is staying with his sister. The victims’ bodies were sent for the post-mortem examination and a murder case has been registered against the accused.
He has been taken on remand after producing him before a local court. “We will investigate the case from every angle and find out whether anyone else is involved or not in these murders,” the ACP added.
“The accused said he had thrown away the weapon that he used to commit the crime. We will also recover the weapon from him. There were marks around the neck of the boy and prima facie it seems that the man has strangled the boy to death,” the ACP added.
The neighbours said the couple had regular fights over small issues and the accused man’s sister had taken his daughter along with her as her study was affected due to family fights.